Three injectable lines of YaoPharma’s Shuitu site passed CFDA GMP inspection
28 / 01 / 2015
Site inspection
Jan 22 to 25, 2015, three lines of YaoPharma’s brand new Shuitu site (a large international standard manufacturing facility), including 2 lines of lyophilized powder for injections and 1 line of powder for injections, received and passed CFDA GMP inspection. It proves that both the hardware and software of our quality system complies with GMP requirements, while it also laid a solid foundation for future cGMP inspections from regulated markets such as EU and US.
Site inspection

YaoPharma is a pharmaceutical manufacturer integrating R&D, manufacturing and marketing & sales functions, with multiple subsidiaries, and fully complying with Chinese GMP. Its oral solid line passed GMP inspection from Health Canada and US FDA; its API site passed GMP inspection from US FDA, EU EDQM, Australia TGA and Japan PMDA, etclearn more...